Are you ready for the Spring 2018 Hire UCLA Career & Internship Fair?
Eat a snack. Drink some water. Break in your comfy — yet business appropriate — shoes. You’re about to embark on a grueling journey. And that’s not (just) a metaphor. Have you stopped to think about how physically demanding the career fair will be? You’ll be walking up and down aisles of employer booths, making eye contact with recruiters while you sneak glances down at the floor plan. You’ll need to carry resumés, collect business cards and keep one hand free for handshakes. And don’t forget to smile. For those few hours, you’ll need the courage and stamina of an explorer, in more ways than one.
Finding a job is challenging. But getting an offer letter is just the beginning. Navigating the transition from student to employee — even if you’ve already got workplace experience — can feel very jarring. All of a sudden, your focus shifts from checking off the requirements someone else decided were important, to choosing, setting and fulfilling your own goals. When you’re applying for jobs and waiting to hear back after interviews, it can feel like your life is at a standstill. But don’t wait for success to find you. Decide what success means for your career, and map out your journey to achieving it.
In the coming weeks, we at InsideTrack will be offering you tips and advice for how to make the most of the Spring 2018 Hire UCLA: Career & Internship Fair. We’ll cover what to say, what to wear and what to do afterward. You can get suggestions straight from a Career Coach at our upcoming webinar on April 10th (registration link below). We’re here to support you at every stage in your career development, from exploration to application to landing a promotion.
Now get ready to search for the role and the employer that will be the next step on your journey. Just remember that you’ll probably have to take a lot of steps to find them. (After all, your dream job might be waiting for you at the opposite end of the fair.)
Sign up for our free webinar to get tips from a Career Coach.
InsideTrack is a career coaching resource in partnership with UCLA Extension.