Turning Acquaintances Into Supporters

You’ve gained traction networking and built up a multitude of new contacts – now how do you build relationships? How can you transform an acquaintance into a supporter or adviser?

Start with your calendar. Block out 15 minutes twice a week, using each block to reach out to a professional contact. If they’re active on LinkedIn or other social media, see what they’ve been up to – or look at what their organization is doing, and ask them about it.

There are many thoughtful ways to reach out that don’t take a lot of time – share an article or idea, ask for advice or a comment, or congratulate your contact on an achievement. Email or a phone call is often best – social media posts may get overlooked.

Good relationships are built through ongoing conversation. Organizing your contact list, and deciding how often you want to be in touch with each key contact, will help you deepen and strengthen your network.

For more advice on how you can maintain your professional network, check out Career Coaching by InsideTrack. UCLA Extension has partnered with InsideTrack to provide students and alumni the support they need to take their careers to the next level.

InsideTrack offers dedicated Career Coaches and interactive content modules to support your career success in a flexible and personalized format. To learn more, visit ucla.insidetrack.com.


By InsideTrack Career Coaching
InsideTrack Career Coaching